TEST PAGE Benefits of an Online Business! Be your own boss! Work your own hours!! Earn an income! Travel Learn something new Have a community of like-minded women! Holistic Art Therapy Package [table id=1 /] Program Info What to Expect How do I pay? What to Expect Introduction to what I do.Exploring what brought you to the lesson and how you felt.Music softly playing in the background with essential oils and scented candles.Meditation to awaken your imagination and creativity.Journaling your feelings down in a journal will give you a safe outlet for negative emotions.Enhances creative self-expression through art.Connection to your emotional and spiritual well-being. How do I pay? Full amount payable when booking.Fees are non-refundable.COVID-19 safety.Class size – 10 participants.All art materials and wellness pack included.Payment Method: Cash or Direct Deposit.